Pkers have finally gotten pking back after several months and almost A YEAR!Constant riots and forum spam...but is this the real reason they brought it back...or via free will...either way pking is back in a is different...but it's the worldwide pking talked about so long...WE GET MONEY FOR KILLS....WE GET PRIZES FOR HIGH HITS!...i find this to be a better system for the game...randomly killing people for sometimes no real drops was tough...but know the game PAYS US TO PK...its not regular wilderness...ITS THE DAMN WAY IT SHOULD BE...i dont know if it's dangerous...i dont know the updates release...all i know is that i will make money again...PRICES WILL matter if you think they gave in or not...did something right...people may be angered if the prizes are like...the ones in F.O.G.>.< which have hardly any value what so ever...i hope that isn't the case...bounty hunter...IT IS DEAD...i think it will be abandoned...Abandoned like vinesweeper...people might play...but very few...YAYS THOU FOR PKING
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